Employee Access


Station 31  |  Station 32  |  Station 35  |  Station 36

Neenah-Menasha Fire Rescue operates with the model of 1 headquarters station (Station 32, 125 E. Columbian Ave) and 3 satellite stations including; Station 31, 1080 Breezewood Lane, Station 35, 430 First Street and Station 36, 1911 Manitowoc Road. Headquarters houses up to 10 firefighters and 5 administrators. Satellite stations house up to 4 firefighters 24/7, 365 days a year. Each station is equipped with a duty office, kitchen, restrooms and lockers, fitness areas and lounge areas. Apparatus bays store the fire and rescue apparatus and some stations have additional storage garages or areas to accommodate staff vehicles and additional equipment.

Station 31, south and west side of Neenah satellite station


 Station 31 (10,500 sq.ft.) – This station was originally built considering future expansion to the south and west of the City of Neenah. It was also designed in conjunction with Fox Valley Technical College to incorporate their Fire Science degree program at this location. This description is of only the fire station side of the building and doesn’t include the area in the Training Center portion. This building houses 1 engine, our special operations truck and trailer, staff cars and Marine 3 in the off season. It also stores one vehicle for the Neenah Police Department. The building has had some minor remodeling and some layout changes.

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Station 32, Headquarters


Station 32 (16,500 sq. ft. on 3 levels)  functions currently as our most active district in Neenah-Menasha. It houses 1 command vehicle, 1 engine, 1 ladder truck (quint) the water rescue squad and boat 32. This station is staffed daily by the administration team. Additionally, the line staff operate out of this station 24/7. The line staff living in this building include 6 – 10 employees and typically 2 interns. The living quarters are located on the second floor with administration offices and conference room on the first floor. Fitness facilities are located in the basement. This building has undergone major renovations over the years and significant minor renovations to maintain and update. There are no drive thru bays and no area to operate or train on the trucks at this location.

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Station 35, downtown Menasha satellite station


Station 35 (9,660 sq.ft.) functions as our maintenance bays and has a primary response area including downtown Menasha. It houses 1 engine, 1 reserve engine and boat 35. This building is shared with the Menasha Police Department and had previously been the headquarters for Menasha Fire Department. This building has had a few remodel projects done to better function as a satellite station. There are 4 drive thru bays leaving room in the bays for apparatus to come in for service. There is a storage mezzanine.  Station 35 serves as our “north end” classroom by using the training room in the basement.

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Station 36 – east side of Menasha satellite station

Station 36

Station 36 is located at 1911 Manitowoc Rd. in the City of Menasha. In 2005, the City of Menasha recognized that the “old” Station 36 was in need of some major repairs. The costs of the repairs were dramatic and due to the tremendous growth of Menasha’s East side it was decided that the current station location was not very feasible in that location. A Committee was formed and plans were made to build a new station and move it to its present location. However, this project was put on hold due to budget constraints.

In 2010, we were awarded a FEMA grant of $1,208,522 to construct a new fire station. The new station was constructed at its present location and we moved into it in April of 2011.

Station 36 (8132 sq.ft.) This station was built with accurate staffing numbers in mind. It is the newest station and by far the most efficient of the 4. Its primary coverage area is the north and east sides of the City of Menasha as well as the south edge of the City of Appleton. This station was built to be LEED* certified for efficiency. It houses 1 engine, 1 UTV and our public education van. It has two drive thru bays and enough room to operate the apparatus outside for training and maintenance. This building features individual bedrooms for the on-duty crew of up to 4 people.

*Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is one of the most popular green building certification programs used worldwide. Developed by the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) it includes a set of rating systems for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes, and neighborhoods that aims to help building owners and operators be environmentally responsible and use resources efficiently.

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